NPO partners

We support 108 local NPOs, referred to as Impact Partners

Community Chest Durban supports 108 non-profit organisations whose sole purpose is to empower and enhance the lives of those in their care. Community Chest funds, monitors, and mentors these Impact Partners to ensure that they fulfill their obligations and uphold the overarching goal of restoring dignity and hope to their beneficiaries. Children, the elderly, the physically and mentally disabled, the homeless, and the abused, all fall within our scope of care.

The organisations we support deal with early childhood development, youth work, crime prevention, rehabilitation from addiction, job creation, old age homes, and emergency situations. Community Chest Durban is passionate about NPOs that care for those in our community who need vital support, sometimes temporarily on a path to self-sufficiency, and those who have a permanent disability and require constant and permanent care.

To further our mission of empowering Impact Partners to sustainability, a capacity-building training programme is facilitated annually for their benefit on various topics such as good governance procedures, risk, and finance management, industrial relations, and fundraising.

All approved Impact Partners are required to complete and submit prescribed monthly reports to Community Chest, on financial matters and the number of beneficiaries being serviced. The submission of these reports is compulsory and determines the continuance of monthly grant allocations.    

Community Chest conducts a comprehensive Proficiency Index assessment on-site with every Impact Partner, where gaps in incapacity and compliance are identified, and future training is consequently informed. Through these ongoing processes of monitoring and evaluation, we ensure that funds are well-managed and allocated to the right people, by working through credible and properly run organisations, who in turn support good governance structures and proper registrations where the specific services are required.

OUR NPO partners include: